Janitorial Equipment
Whether your organization simply has to clean its own facilities or does contract work for other groups, you’ll need janitorial equipment to keep everything tidy. Modern janitorial equipment consists of everything from floor scrubbers to carpet extractors, stripping machines, floor sweepers, and many other types of devices. It also includes various types of batteries that are used to power all of this gear.
To meet the requirements of different managerial structures, engineering teams have designed an equally diverse collection of supplies. No matter what your needs look like, there’s something available for you.
New & Refurbished Janitorial Equipment
Battery-powered floor scrubbers are probably one of the most popular choices for those who are doing a great deal of cleaning but can’t be tethered to a single wall. These are wireless inasmuch as they don’t have to be powered directly by an outlet, thus making them extremely flexible.
They’re a great choice for those who have to move around from area to area when tidying up the floor. All of our refurbished equipment is picked over to ensure that all components are in good shape before they’re shipped. Batteries are replaced and then the remaining equipment is cleaned and reprocessed.
Only when we’re certain that the equipment is restored to virtually like-new condition do we allow our machines to ship. Those who have existing floor scrubbers can also invest in replacement batteries, which come from deep cycle stock so there’s a good chance that they might even exceed the specifications of the original batteries you were working with.
If you have some gear that doesn’t properly charge any longer, then this can be a great way to restore it to its original working condition. Those who need batteries for other applications, such as those for golf carts, can also find efficient deep cycle options that should hold up to quite a bit of usage.
New floor scrubbers are offered for those who would prefer a piece of equipment with all of the bells and whistles. Don’t forget to look through our collection of other types of cleaning gear as well. Both new and refurbished pieces of gear are offered, so you shouldn’t have any difficulty locating a piece that’s perfect for the particular use case you might find your business implementing.
Take a few moments to consider your needs and then feel free to browse our catalog. We have machines that can fit your budget or specific cleaning demands.
Order Janitorial Equipment for Your Team From PS Janitorial
Since so many larger organizations cast off gently used equipment, Performance Systems Janitorial is often able to offer refurbished pieces at a great discount compared to new gear. Those who need the latest equipment can also find excellent deals here. Whether you need to be reconditioned, refurbished, or new industrial and commercial floor cleaning machines, we can help.
Our organization is also ready to help you get all of the batteries that you need to keep these machines working longer. Get in touch with us online and we’ll help answer any questions you have before you get the best-tailored janitorial equipment.